Public urged to have eye tests

People are being urged to have their eyes tested as part of their New Year resolutions.

A recent survey of over 1,000 adults in Ireland found that more than half had not had an eye exam carried out in the last two years, which is the recommended maximum interval that should be left between exams.

In an attempt to encourage people to take better care of their eyes, three optical bodies – the Association of Optometrists Ireland (AOI), the Federation of Ophthalmic and Dispensing Opticians (FODO) and the Irish Association of Dispensing Opticians (IADO) – have launched a new Healthy Eyes campaign.

The campaign forms part of Healthy Eyes Awareness Week, which takes place later this month (January 18-24). It aims to promote the importance of eye health and the need for regular eye exams.

It is calling on people to pledge their commitment to have an eye test by signing the ‘eye pledge’ on the Healthy Eyes website here

People are also being encouraged to take pictures of themselves holding the ‘eye pledge’ leaflet and share it on social media using the hashtag #eyepledge. The leaflet is available to download here.

This will be the third Healthy Eyes Awareness Week.


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