Everyone reacts differently to different foods. Keeping a food diary for a month or more can be useful in helping to identify what may be triggering your IBS and in creating an IBS diet that works for you. This works by noting down everything you eat and drink and recording any bouts of IBS.
You can also extend your food diary to include your stress levels. As well as recording everything you’re eating, make a note of any high-pressure situations that arise and whether you these caused you stress. These might include meetings at work, dealing with difficult people, or just awkward social situations.
After a month keeping the diary, check for any correlation between the types of food and drink consumed and the IBS problems you experienced. This may help to identify which foods are the worst culprits. These can be eliminated from your diet for a period to see if this makes any difference to your symptoms. This may help towards successfully managing your IBS.
Download the food diary from here: Food Diary
A similar approach to moments of stress can be helpful. If you can identify particular workplace or social events that seem to be causing problems, try to eliminate such events from your schedule where this is practical. Adopt whatever strategies will work for you to minimise stress – from preparing well in advance for events or situations to asking friends or colleagues to help you out – and monitor the effect on your IBS symptoms.
Download the stress diary from here: Stress Diary